I had a bit of an incident last night which brought on the idea for this post. Here's the lowdown: I have a massive MASSIVE needle phobia!
I get called a hypocrite as I have 9 tattoos and 10 piercings, but it's different. I had my tonsils out when I was 15 and that's when it started. Since then I literally break a sweat when it comes to needles, when it comes to me having them or someone else having them, I hate it, sometimes it's worse than others and luckily if I have to have bloods done and they get it first time I can get out with a mere sheen on my brow, but other times it's traumatising.
This brings me back to last night. I was on nights and I was present when doctors were trying to get blood out of someone else (I can't go into detail for confidentiality reasons), but they had so much trouble it took them 30 minutes to get blood. THIRTY MINUTES! Needless to say I was ill. I was sweating profusely, dizzy, nauseous, shaking, anxious, my hearing and sight started to go blurry and I could feel myself getting worse. I felt so bad as it stopped me from doing my job for a while, and also the sheer lack of control over my body's reaction to needles even when they're nowhere near me was frightening!
So the rest of the nightshift I was absolutely wiped and episodes like that always make me a bit teary. I've slept all day today and I'm still exhausted and I'm back to work for another 13 hour shift soon, take pity on me!
What I want to know if anyone has had a similar reaction to needles or any other phobia, and how you overcame it?
Thanks in advance! X
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